Understanding Indian Country Law: Protecting Native American Sovereignty and Rights

Indian country law is a complex and ever-evolving area of law that governs the relationship between Native American tribes and the federal and state governments. This body of law is essential for protecting Native American sovereignty and rights, and for ensuring that tribal governments have a voice in decisions that affect their lands, resources, and […]

Defending Tribal Sovereignty: An Overview of Indian Country Litigation and Its Importance

For centuries, Native American tribes and communities have fought to protect their land, resources, and cultural heritage from encroachment by the federal and state governments, as well as private interests. These efforts have often involved legal disputes and court cases, known as Indian country litigation, which have played a crucial role in safeguarding Native American […]

Protecting Tribal Sovereignty: Addressing the Challenges to Federal Indian Law

In recent years, there has been a growing concern over the challenges to federal Indian law and its impact on tribal sovereignty. This has become a critical issue as tribes and indigenous peoples are facing increasing threats to their rights, resources, and lands. One of the most significant challenges to federal Indian law is the […]